Monday, October 28, 2013

A trip to Ninh Binh just isn't complete until someone goes in the river ...

... yup, that happened.

But first and foremost, I'm an Aunt again!  Welcome to the world Charlotte Fern Blauch!  She was born on Thursday, October 24th, weighing in at 5 lbs 11 oz.  She's just freaking adorable and I can't wait to meet her!
I love this one!
Proud Mommy and Baby Charlotte

Charlotte looks THOROUGHLY entertained that
she's keeping her daddy awake.

So sweet!
Couldn't be happier for the Blauch Family - HUGE CONGRATS DUGS AND RYAN!!!

Had a WONDERFUL weekend away with Daraca, Damien, and Mirzah (Dar's mum) to Ninh Binh.  We stayed at the most gorgeous resort ( and just CHILLED.  I've found heaven, and it's only 1.5 hours away from Hanoi.  Amazeballs.
My room!  Go big or go home ... 

Private outdoor shower.  HEAVEN.
Resort view from my doorstep.  Dig the mountains in the background.
Saturday was all about relaxation ... some pool time, facials, mani/pedis, dinner, a few drinks ... I was in bed and asleep by 10:30 (rockstar, right??).  Highlights from Saturday ... the car ride and getting to know Mirzah - she's absolutely lovely and is more up-to-date on pop culture and the Obama's than I am! ... the Ukranian/Asian Spa Manager who insisted we have a steam bath and sauna before the facial (wish you could've heard the accent - I literally couldn't - and didn't - hold back my giggles) ... laughing at the piss poor mani pedi job us ladies received ... and just RELAXING.  It was glorious.

Sunday morning we spent at the pool, then did a day trip - a canoe down the Trang An River (yup, you can see where this is going), then a tour around the Hoa Lu temples.
Ready and excited for our rowboat trip!
Gorgeous, right?

So we get to the place where you organize the rowboat for the trip down the Trang An around 2-ish.  All 4 of us climb into the rowboat, start pulling out, and the little lady pulls us back in to the launching area.  There's a lot of commotion, but it's all in Vietnamese, but the hand signals lead us to believe that they want 2 of us to transfer boats because the poor little Vietnamese rower wasn't going to be able to row our Western asses around the river.  Dames and I decide to make the move so Dar can enjoy the scenery with her mom.

All is going well - Damien leaps like a VERY graceful gazelle into the rowboat next to ours.  Oh right - cause they didn't pull in and park and put us on stable footing (i.e. the cement steps where you usually load), so we were expected to just leap over (Damien did it wonderfully - bastard) and be on our way.  I have to transfer from the seat on the far left over to the new rowboat (on the far right) ... I stand in my rowboat, get my balance ... then try to gracefully leap over ... end up with all of my weight on one side of the boat ... Damien instinctively leans forward to save me ...

And into the drink I go.

God bless Daraca for basically trying to jump in after me and for screaming at the Vietnamese folks to back off so I could get out of the river.  God bless Mirzah for worrying about me like only a mum can.  And God bless Dames for understanding why we didn't tip the rowboat lady because her continual laughing at my misfortune was simply unforgivable.

It was neither graceful nor attractive, but it WAS an experience.  One that the rowboat ladies will remember forever ... that was evident by the laughter that ensued every time another boat came up behind us or passed us.  I was the laughing stock of the river yesterday.

Oh right - cause I didn't change out of my sopping wet clothes (even though my traveling friends were all about me doing so and offered a million times!) ... I knew that if I got out of that boat (once I was back in, of course), the river trip wasn't going to happen.  So I powered through ... and was laughed at the entire way.

Yeah, so that happened ....

BTW, I'm totally fine.  Have a nasty bruise on my left ass-cheek, but otherwise came out physically unscathed.  My ego and dignity - well, this is the 200,000th of many embarrassing falls into a body of water ... nothing lost there!

Enjoy the pics!

Oh, but before you do ... you'll notice that the pictures are super foggy, kinda mimicking the look of the Elizabeth-Taylor-White-Diamond commercials ... on the plus side, I found out my Coach crossbody small bag I use for daytrips is AMAZINGLY (surprisingly) waterproof and my phone still works ... on the minus side, the camera lens on my phone got all watered up with the dip in the drink (of course it's fine today) ... eh, I'll just steal Damien's photos.

Pretty day on the lake!

Mirzah and Daraca enjoying the boat cruise

Per Damien, the only thing missing was the Jurassic
Park theme song.  I quite agree.

It was TOTALLY like a Goonies adventure.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

HCMC Weekend Getaway

To be honest, I'd never really had any drive to get to Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC - aka Saigon) ... I'd heard differing things about it - not good, not bad - just that it was a big city, very different than Hanoi, and that the Southerners don't really like the Northerners and vice versa.  I felt like I had to get down there at some point while living in Vietnam, but it wasn't at the top of my priority list.

Nevertheless, Daraca, Damien and I headed down to HCMC this weekend and I realized I couldn't have been more wrong.  Their infrastructure (Real sidewalks!  Stop lights with the green flashing man telling you it's safe to cross the street!  General following of traffic rules!), convenience (Circle K mini marts open 24/7!, people speak ENGLISH!!!!  Taxi drivers are friendly!), cleanliness (No rats!  No garbage heaps in corners that are sometimes inexplicably on fire!  Trash cans on street corners!) and selection (Hello nightlife!  Selection of restaurants!  Western shopping options!) make it the antithesis of any other Vietnam city I've traveled to.  Of course - we stayed in the very touristy areas and only hit the tip of the proverbial iceberg (we literally stayed in about a 5 block radius in 1 of 19 districts within the city), but it was a VERY nice weekend getaway spot.

We arrived late Friday night, grabbed a bite to eat and crashed to be up and at 'em for Saturday morning - our only full day in Saigon.  Saturday morning, Dar and I went out in search of Starbucks - that's right folks - we found TWO Starbucks' in our 2 days in HCMC!! - and when we couldn't find it, went back and met up with Damien to re-formulate the plans.  In doing so - we stumbled across a dragon dance/good luck celebration for a new restaurant opening:

(I prefer to think the dragon dance had little to do with the restaurant opening and was 100% Saigon's way of welcoming us to the city, but I might be taking the minority view on that one.)

On Saturday, we hit the Opera House (didn't go in, but pretty on the outside), Reunification Palace (the one whose gate the tanks crashed through in April 1975 effectively ending the war), War Remnants Museum (as an American, this was a tough one - a DECIDEDLY anti-American tone.  100% reaffirmed that war is hell), Post Office (turns out post offices in Vietnam are a big deal - this one was pretty cool), Catholic Church (didn't get in, but pretty on the outside), and finished up our tourist day with a drink on the top of the Rex Hotel (also historically significant in the war - lodged US military commanders who frequently met for an afternoon adult beverage at the rooftop bar).  I had dinner with my cousins that evening (wonderful dinner and great to see family!), then met back up with Dar and Dames to experience the nightlife we'd heard so much about.

Let's just say - we took full advantage of HCMC's nightlife ... LOTS of laughs - a fabulous night out!

Comparing HCMC and Hanoi is comparing apples and oranges ... HCMC is 100% a big city, with a better infrastructure, more options, manageable traffic, and modern conveniences.  Even with that, though, I think I prefer the back woodsey-ness that is Hanoi.  It's a bit rough and tumble, a bit backwards, sometimes smelly, and the simple things in life are quite often way more complicated than they needs to be - but it's home.

That being said, thank god Saigon is just a hop-skip-jump away ... good to have it close by when ya just need a bit of civilization.

All in all, an absolutely fabulous weekend!  Enjoy the pics!

Dragon dance welcoming us to Saigon!

HCMC Opera House
(I think Hanoi's is prettier)

Ho Chi Minh City Hall (center of town)

So ... we bought this water because it's called sweat water
... and clearly, that's hysterical.
Turns out it's Gatorade ...
... which makes the name make MUCH more sense.

Starbucks #1
(disclaimer - I don't even do Starbucks in the US - at least,
not with any frequency.  Seeing this logo, though??

Catholic Church (think it was called Notre Dame)

Buu Dien (post office)
Inside the post office (note Uncle Ho watching over EVERYTHING -
he's everywhere)

Dames and Uncle Ho

Delicious - also fitting that I enjoyed one with Dar, as my
friends all think I'm a spy.
(I'm not.)

Good to see the electrical grid mirrors the one in Hanoi.
Turns out the original palace was this gorgeous French
colonial architecture.  When it was burned to the
ground, the architect rebuilt this 60's masterpiece.
Complete with a James Bond-type gambling room, movie
theater, and helipad.  Total retro feel inside.
Used now only for ceremonial visits and what not.

Dar hanging out the window at the Reunification Palace.

Panorama of Reunification Palace's grounds.

I want one.

Map room in Reunification Palace - this was cool.

Replica of one of the tanks that crashed through the
Palace's gates in April 1975.

War Remnants Museum
Awesome Zippo
Happy Hour!  Dar enjoying a "Hotel Rex" on
the rooftop bar of the Rex Hotel

An entire store selling wooden ships.  Next to 2 other
stores selling nothing but wooden ships.
Me and Dar - love this girl!

Group shot!
(and yes, Damien's wearing a Bruce Springsteen t-shirt ...
Apocalypse Now Bar & Cafe

Interior of Apocalypse Now

I can't even begin to describe this underground club we found.
Words can't describe this scene ... it ... was ... 
... something!

Sunday morning - found the Saigon Harley
Owners' parking spot!
Saigon HOGs
How cool is that?

Refreshing beverages at Starbucks Sunday morning


Dar and Dames were very excited to see this motorbike
in Saigon decked out in Newcastle Football
colors.  And by football, I mean soccer.

Heading home ... waiting to find out if we got a business class
upgrade (we did) ... fighting a ridiculously long line
of passengers to make sure we made the flight (we did) ...
dodging a drunken Vietnamese man who DID NOT
let's just say - not the best travel experience to get back
to Hanoi ... but we made it!

We found an amazing hand-drawn movie posters store ...
... my purchases ...
(because now I think I'm going to have to have a
movie poster room in my house in the US, wherever that may be)

Out of order, but you'll see I got all the original Star Wars posters.

Of course


There it is ... 

I freaking love Ghostbusters

This one was just badass.