Saturday, May 18, 2013

Loud and Proud + James Bond = 1 Fantastic Saturday

I work on an amazing project with the ultimate goal to build the capacity of local organizations to support the response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Vietnam.

I actually love my job ... hate the BS that accompanies said job, but in the day to day - I freaking love it ... have I ever mentioned that?!?!?!!?

One of the perks of my job is to interact with the individuals/populations directly affected by the epidemic.  Enter today's "Loud and Proud" Event.

Here's the press release from today's event:

"Loud and Proud in Vietnam is part of The International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHO).  IDAHO was created in 2004 to draw the attention of policymakers, opinion leaders, the public, and the media to the discrimination against rights of Lesbian, Gays, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) individuals.  The date of May 17th was specifically chosen to commemorate the World Health Organization's (WHO) decision in 1990 to declassify homosexuality as a mental disorder.

Public perception of LGBT in Vietnam is slowly changing; there is an increasing acceptance of LGBT, thanks to the support from the Government of Vietnam, donors and the mass media, as well as the LGBT community themselves.  The LGBT community has worked tirelessly to advocate for the reduction of stigma and discrimination against LGBT individuals, and is making meaningful contributions to the socio-economic development of Vietnam.  However, stigma, discrimination, and isolation remain major issues affecting many LGBT.  A study by the Institute of Social Development Studies (ISDS) in 2011 showed that stigma from the public and service providers is one of the main barriers stopping gay men from accessing HIV and health services.  Further research by the Institute for Social, Economic and Environmental Research in 2009 found that 95% of gay men and lesbians have experienced some form of stigma or discrimination.  The role of media in raising public awareness about LGBT rights is very important.  While many articles on LGBT in the media are accurate, research conducted in 2008 found that over 40% of articles published about LGBT contained unfounded and highly stigmatizing myths.

At the "Loud and Proud" event, the organizing team, the LGBT community, and its supporters will send a strong message that homosexuality is not an illness, and that the lifestyles of LGBT individuals do not undermine Vietnamese traditions or morality."

... pics/videos from the event!!!

Loud and Proud!

Me and Thuan (Deputy Chief of Party on my project)

THEN ... I went over to Nathalie and LaMont's house this evening as they prepped for the James Bond event of the Hanoi International Women's Club (and yes mom, Dee and Zoe - I'm joining!  Don't worry!) ....... they looked AMAZING!!!


Nathalie facepainting Monae!

.... and then LaMont ... drawing the outlines ...  

... filling in the outline ... getting whiter ... 

THIS is the James Bond goal for LaMont - he did a GREAT job of coming very, very close!!!

Nathalie and Monae!
Nathalie's James Bond lookalike namesake ... she's damn close!!!

The Grun-Wynn Family!!
YAY Nathalie and LaMont!!!

All in all, a fantastic way to spend a Saturday!!