Sunday, July 21, 2013

3 Weeks in the U.S. of A!!!

My priorities for my trip home were simple ... see family and friends, spend time with my doggie, get some sun, and shop till I drop.  I succeeded on all fronts - and then some :)

Had 2 marvelous weeks in NC and 1 fabulous week in MD.  It was wonderful to see family and friends while I was home ... many thanks to ALL of you for making the effort to come for a visit and/or rearrange your plans to do lunch/dinner/drinks.  Time seemed to fly by, and leaving was exceptionally tough - miss everyone already.  For everyone I didn't get a chance to see while I was home - how about a quick trip to Hanoi??? Door's always open!!

I'll let the pictures tell the story of my vacation ... enjoy!

I was so excited to go home I arrived at the airport
4 hours early - only to wait 2 hours before the gate opened.

My trusty steed home.

Back in North America!

Heading to my favorite place in the whole world :)

After 2 days of solid rain, the sun FINALLY broke through!

My adorable nieces - they loved their hats!

Sunrise at Topsail
Panoramic from our porch - most beautiful beach in the world.

Love my Joshie

Kaitlin and Maddie playing on the 4th of July

Eating sand - awesome.

Look at those curls!

Deb and her girls

Me and Daniel Craig :)

Yay Gaylor!

Deb and me ... 

... take 2

The Manchester girls at their dad's birthday dinner!

Happy birthday Morgs!

Love these 2

The Blauch's!

Deb and sleepy Maddie

3 of my favorite guys in the whole world!

The 3 amigos!

Me and Ry Guy

Mom snuggling a sleepy Mads

Reunited with Belle!!!!

Maddie will LOVE this when she's older :)

Deb and her girls

Happy engagement, Savannah and Zach!!

Zach and Savannah at their engagement party!

Zoe with the Bride and Groom!

I LOVE grocery stores in the US - unbelievable options.
My Quang Ba minimart doesn't QUITE compare :)

Mads liked the baked ziti!

Me and Zoe at Crab Pot - right before ...
... these!  Tequila to get lunch started off right!

The happy couple


Manchester family (Mads was napping)

Belle was OVER the car ride

Home sweet home.

Think she's pretty comfortable.

How can you NOT love this face?!?!?

Mom liked her prayer flags!

No trip to Annapolis is complete without a visit to the Naval Academy!

Herndon Monument

A little piece of Asia on the Academy's campus - love it!

Trip down memory lane - my elementary school!

@ the scenic overlook - or as mom likes to call it - "oh sh*t hill"

Mom @ the scenic overlook

I SIGNIFICANTLY contributed to the American economy

Last picture of Belle - miss her already!

And I'm back!  Gooooooooooooood morning Vietnam!

 Many MANY thanks to my family and friends for the wonderful three weeks - love and miss you all!