Monday, September 23, 2013

Dwindling Days in Hanoi??

Work over the past 3 weeks has been ... challenging.  David (Chief of Party) resigned from RTI on August 30th ... VERY sad to see him go as his personality added much to the project.  He'll be in Hanoi, so that's good ... need his smartass and sarcastic British wit to keep me laughing.

I've been made Acting Deputy Chief of Party.  Badass title, yes, but with the title comes increased responsibility and workload ... and there's been minimal break in my other projects in Indonesia and Nepal and no real relief in sight (well, maybe December, but that feels hell and gone from September 23rd), so ... you're looking at one tired cookie.

And with all of that, it looks pretty likely that our project will be coming to a close.  Meaning we'll have to move into closeout of the project.  Meaning the team of 10 local Vietnamese on the project will be out of a job.  Meaning the target populations to be supported by this project won't receive the services they were intended to receive.  Meaning I'll likely be coming home at the end of the calendar year - which is super exciting in many ways (I get to see my mom and Belle!  I get to meet Baby Charlotte!  I can give Juli a big hug!  Meggie and I can enjoy a six pack on a curb somewhere together!  I can go grocery shopping and find any product my heart desires!), and very sad in others (I don't want to leave D, D, L, M, N!  I haven't seen enough of SE Asia! I  don't want to think about packing up and getting all this sh*t home!).  It's just a real shame, and I'm HOPEFUL something changes in the next 2 weeks ... but it's not looking super promising.

That being said - it ain't over till the fat lady sings, and she's yet to complete her encore.  

This possibility of an imminent departure, gives me good reason to see as much of Vietnam as I can.  Phu Quoc, Hue, Dalat, Sa Pa ... will all be seeing me soon.   Scott - we need to pick a weekend for Angkor Wat, cause I'm not leaving Asia without seeing it.

Who's with me??

And as always - pictures!  Need to credit Maria for all of the pics in here that are professional-looking ... she has a great eye for faces and places, as you can see from the pics below ...


Labor Day Weekend in Hoi An
Maria's first weekend in Hanoi ... 3 day weekend (Vietnamese celebrating their Independence from the French) ... took advantage of quick flights to the BEACH!!!!  Spent Saturday mid-morning/early afternoon enjoying the beach and pool, then headed into Hoi An.  Sunday was a "snorkeling" day excursion to the Cham Islands.  In actuality, only about 30 minutes of snorkeling (but I saw Dory from Finding Nemo!), but amazing (harrowing) speed boat rides across the South China Sea there and back.  Met some nice Italian backpackers too - so it all worked out even though the trip wasn't EXACTLY as it was billed.

Now that I've enjoyed the comforts of this 5-star resort TWICE in 2 weeks -
I can never go back.  Epic. 

I mean - it really DOESN'T get any better than this

How cute is this face?!?!?
@ Hoi An
@ Hoi An

Selling these weird pig things.
@ Hoi An

Don't worry, I'm bring about 25 of these home with me!
@ Hoi An

Riverside in Hoi An
Riverside in Hoi An at dusk
Hoi An all lit up!
Rice harvesting
@ Cham Islands

Our guide on our day-trip excursion to the Cham Islands

Fresh catch!
@ Cham Islands
Sea urchins
(called sea porcupines by the Vietnamese - cute!)
@ Cham Islands

Seafood lunch
(admittedly - I only took the picture of the food, didn't try it ...
I saw the "harvesting" of that seafood and was grossed out)
@ Cham Islands
Ong Ba Beach
@ Cham Islands
Snorkeling Spot!!  I saw Dory!!
@ Cham Islands

Cham Islands

Leaving Hoi An's gorgeous sunny-ness to return to rain in Hanoi.  Ugh.

Out and about in Hanoi
There is no end to interesting sights in this town ... a few I've collected (and Maria's pics too!) over recent weeks ... enjoy!

My colleagues Huyen and Phuong enjoying their bun cha lunch.
BTW - need to find a way to make this at home - it's amazing.
You can't tell from this picture, but this baby is strapped
into a basket on the back of this guy's bicycle.  Priceless.
Fishin' in Westlake
Driving his tuk tuk down the busy road in full military
regalia ... great picture Maria!
My team in Hanoi @ David's farewell party
Love this!
His ride strapped to the back of his ... ride.
Seems safe
Mobile shopping center.  

Little girl in the Old Quarter eating her Pho breakfast.

Lanterns in the park in front of my house - GORGEOUS
sight at night!

Rickshaw drivers need sleep too

That's a LOT of zippers
