Sunday, December 30, 2012

7th Circle of Hell

Turns out I'm not the brightest bulb in the bunch.

On my flight from Dulles to Paris, I chose to partake of the appetizers provided in first class ... a salmon thing and some foie gras.  Why, you ask?  Because nothing can go wrong for people in first class.  Right?  WRONG.

After stepping off the plane in Paris, I started to feel a little off ... not horrible, nothing extremely wrong, but a low grade headache and a queasy feeling tummy.  As time progressed, I started feeling worse and worse, and eventually ended up losing my cookies in the bathroom at Charles de Gaulle.  Headache got worse, couldn't keep water down, and was retching all over the place.  Nightmare, right?  Welcome to my 7th Circle of Hell.

Got onto the plane and the nightmare continued.  Had two unfortunate episodes of vomiting in the mini closet that is the bathroom on my plane - I'm sure the flight attendants LOVED me when they saw that mess.

Mark my words ... 7th Circle of Hell.  Feeling better now, but it was quite touch and go there for a while.

Ah, the glamour of international travel.

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