Thursday, April 18, 2013

Vietnamese "Spring"

Spring in Vietnam has a very different connotation than it does in the U.S.  Spring here marks the time between the "freezing" temperatures (~65 degrees) and the "heat"(~100++ degrees) beginning in earnest.  Average temperatures range between 85 and 95 degrees and humidity is at a 1,000,004% and you sweat the MINUTE to step outside.  Let's just say ... if this is "Spring," Summer is going to totally blow.

BUT ... there are some amazing things about Spring that the Vietnamese do very well ...

For the past few weeks, they've been stringing Chinese (Vietnamese?) lanterns at night in the park right in front of my house - and they're GORGEOUS!  All colors in 3-4 separate areas of the park.  They set up stalls and sell wine and beer, play live music, and lay blankets down for your relaxation.  The colors are just spectacular, and I'm reminded every night of why I selected the apartment I did.

Picture doesn't really do it justice ... it is spectacular!

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