Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Happiest of Happy News!

Being away from home is particularly hard when there's happy news to share ... and in this instance - I couldn't be more ECSTATIC to share this news with my family and friends!!!

My cousin, also known as Savannah, Savvy, Banana, Bananz, Bug, and a myriad of other nicknames will soon be called Mrs. Savannah Marshall Paul.  That's right - her boyfriend of 3 years has proposed!!!

Having spent some time with the couple, and seeing Savannah's happiness through the years, and, more recently, about her engagement on Skype - I honestly couldn't be more thrilled for them both, happy that they found each other ... and happier still for my family - happy to have found a new son-in-law, brother-in-law, nephew-in-law, and (most important, if I do say so myself), cousin-in law!

Welcome to the family, Zach - and cheers to the future Mr. and Mrs. Zach and Savannah Paul!!

I love you both!

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