Saturday, February 9, 2013

Single Rider

Ever go to an amusement park as part of a group of 3 or 5?  Where someone ultimately has to be the 'single rider' on each of the rides?

I have.  

Sean Maroney knew I was uncomfortable being the single rider and would frequently call out "single rider!" as we were waiting for a roller coaster/log flume/insert amusement park ride here.

What a nice friend he was.

I digress ... 

Traveling alone is a lot like being the single rider.  Empowering - "hey - I can do this on my own!!  I don't need anyone to get through this meal/activity/entire trip!"  And also a little bit sad - "Wow - I hope no one realizes that my Kindle's been my date for the past 5 meals."

Having traveled frequently for work, I've become used to being the 'single rider.'  The plus side?  You can meet AWESOME like-minded people who are also traveling alone and looking to make friends.  It really does give you a sense of accomplishment - I feel quite strongly that being able to be alone with one's thoughts for an extended period of time is KEY in really understanding who you are/how you tick/why you do the things you do.  

My self-awareness is borderline obnoxious.

So while I'd MUCH prefer to travel with family, friends, or work colleagues, I'm not going to miss out on amazing experiences because no one is available to join me (you know, cause that whole "we're not in the same country thing" applies). :)

Case in point ... my current mini-vacation to Non Nuoc Beach (aka China Beach, aka R&R destination for US soldiers during the Vietnam War).  I'd say this is a great example of a trip I'm sooooo glad to have taken, but ... would be better if family/friends were with me.  

I arrived yesterday morning at 9 a.m., and was on the beach by 9:30.  The beach itself is SPECTACULAR - white sandy beaches, chaise lounges set up underneath thatched umbrellas, blue-green ocean - it might just become the Vietnamese equivalent of Topsail for me.

The resort itself ... well - it leaves a little to be desired.  It's 100% clean and safe - the two most important parts - but ... let's just say - I leave my flip flops on when walking on the kinda nasty carpeting in my room.  The shower head points UP and water floods the bathroom with each shower - so that's interesting.  OH - and the toilet is in the same stall with the shower - see below.

That's right - that's the toilet INSIDE the shower.  Huh.

The resort!  Sandy Beach Non Nuoc Resort.  A bargain at $75/night.

World's largest kind size bed.  I woke up laying diagonally this morning.

BUT - the air conditioner works - the staff are extremely friendly - I'm steps away from the beach - there's NO motorbike traffic to block out the sound of the ocean waves ... really - what in the world am I complaining about?

So for all of the awkwardness that being a "single rider" can sometimes bring (and I stress, sometimes) - I wouldn't miss this experience for the world.

And who knows - maybe there are other "single riders" to be met :)

Panoramic view of Non Nuoc Beach

Blue skies!!  Ocean!!  Sun!!  YAY!!

Oh Cabana Boy .... 

And of course - a live Dragon dance in the lobby of my hotel
this morning to celebrate the New Year.

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