Thursday, January 17, 2013

I've become a YES (wo)man.

Living in Hanoi is a great way to try new things.  Will I try that mystery meat floating in my soup?  YES!  Will I plan a trip to the beach during Tet?  YES!  Will I rent a motorbike and take motorbike lessons?  YES!

Will I attend the Indochina Whisky Club's Annual Burns' Night event?  ABSOLUTELY!

That's right, folks ... on Saturday night, David, David's wife Julienne, Felicity and I will be donning our kilts and joining the likes of Braveheart himself to celebrate the 254th birthday of the Scottish poet, Robert Burns.

Do I know anything about Robert Burns?  Absolutely not.  BUT - I will enjoy meeting Hanoian Scots in their kilts.  Don't mind if I do :)

And of course, pictures will follow.

I'm jazzed.

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