Friday, January 4, 2013

Week 1 in Pics

I've survived Week 1 ... 24 hours on an international flight, 1 weekend, 1 holiday, 4 days of work ... and I have the pics to prove it!  Enjoy!

Business class to Paris - don't mind if I do!
Gimme a break - I'd just woken up after a 7 hour flight!  RIGHT before I started yuking.  Awesome.

I was on the upper deck - cause that's how I roll.

Me and my luggage made it safely to Vietnam.  YOU try maneuvering 2 carts through customs while being laughed at for being a stupid foreigner.  

My new home away from home ... office in Hanoi!

My new cube - let's call it ... "cozy".

A little taste of home - Christmas tree in our office :)
Most successful part of the week??  I found a place and am (HOPEFULLY) moving in on Thursday of next week!!  YAY!  Just in case you need a refresher as to what the place looks like ... PLENTY of room for visitors!

Guest Room


Living Room

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